Saturday 4 December 2010

X is for X marks the spot

X marks the spot - A place on a map where you put an X on the postion the hidden treasure is located.

Xanga - A blogging platform/community a bit like typepad.

Xat - A free, instant chat room maker/service, usually in a widget, mainly used by younger people but can be customized and used for any age range. Coffee Xat

Xing - A business social networking website, a European slant, similar to Linkedin.

W is for Willy Wonka

Wayn - Where are you now, a travel social network/community.

WebHostGiant - A website hosting service.

Web life with Zara - A web blog updated by amplify, connected to theblogfrog.

WebSpawner - Free websites. Long time running service.

Web Traffic Juggernaut - information by Brett Ingram, an internet marketer.

Weston-super-Mare Blogs - a search in blogs via google.

White Dove Books - Ebooks free and paid, inspiration and personal development site.

WidgetBox - A widget and 'blidget' maker for blogs and other rss feeds in boxes.

WidgetBucks - Was a widget referral program, well designed but obviously poorly executed as it's not there any more.

Willy Wonka - A sweet factory owner in a children's story.

Wikinut - A user generated content article website, similar to triond.

Wordlinx - A bit like emailpaysu - people watch adverts in exchange for credits/cash.

V is for Venom

View my TV - A TV and Internet television guide.

Venom - a poison that snakes and other creepy crawlies have to disabled their dinners or defend themselves.

Village Hub A mostly Iranian social network.

Viral Ebook Explosion - A free ebook club by Jeff Dedrick with rebrandable ebook reports attached to affiliate programs that may interest Internet Marketers.

Vimeo - A video sharing website.

Vintage and Retro club - basic club on weston-super-mare portal, no way to add photos so a bit limited! - but somewhere to say hi, if you are surfing by.

Viral Hosts - A service that offers free website hosting - aimed at Internet Marketing types.

VivaStreet - A free classifieds adverts website for UK, similar to gumtree.

Vodpod - A video sharing/collecting website.

Vox - Was a blogging platform and sharing community that closed it's doors 2010.

Friday 3 December 2010

U is for Unicorn


Unicorn - A mythical creature, like a horse with a horn on it's forehead.

Upcoming  - Was a yahoo service URL now points to mobile version of Yahoo.

UrDoll - Customized bobblehead dolls - weddings, family, or just you.

Ustream - A live TV Channel type service - streams live feeds, handy for live gigs or live 'user made' programs, streamed live from war zones, charity events and music - sends a recorded version to youtube if under 10 minutes.  These kind of sites can have a problem with 'trolls' so good to get the moderating / planning set up first/before broadcasting. Once (2007 ish) saw Gary Vaynerchuk's buddy pull down his trousers and flash his undies live on this site, when they were packing up boxes of his books ready for shipments - so you never know what kooky human behavior you might get here, be warned!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

T is for Tipperary

Tagged - A social network/portal similar to hi5 or Zorpia with photos, games,dating etc.

Technorati - A geek / techie / webmaster portal that looks at websites rank and popularity with other techie types.

Template Monster - website templates for webmasters. Affiliates / Turnkey Websites the hosting,domain,template,emails all under one roof.

TE Toolbox - Traffic exchange tool box by Jon Olsen and Tim Linden.

The Make Money Shop - ebook reseller club with Honor Hart.

Tipperary - An Southern Irish town.

Topsy - A 3rd party twitter viewing tool. also has a bookmarklet so you can add things from the web into your topsy feed.

Tradeholding - A b2b portal aimed at businesses buying / selling products and services for retail/wholesale. My Page

Traffic G - A long time running traffic exchange program.

Traffic Splash - A traffic exchange with freebies for surfing.

Traffic Swarm - a well known traffic exchange - main draw back is the 3 strikes and you are banned policy - i.e if you accidentally click on a link more than once you can lose your account after three mistakes in a year - I sometimes click a wrong link by mistake and it warns me - I don't like being incriminated/failed by a machine so I don't use it anymore in case it throws me out and I lose my downline - easier just not to surf there - doh!

Traffic Syndicate 25 - A traffic exchange (in three cash machine)

Traffic Tornado - Traffic exchange referral building website.

Travel star - Was a travel website and community with blogs. URL now points to protradenet.

Treasure Trooper - Earn cash for surveys/offers/clicks (comic book / treasure hunter style website, nice idea/graphics style in my opinion)

Triple Your List - Simple optin safelist/email exchange club - i.e you sign up to the system and you are randomly put on someone elses list every now and then, you get others mailed to you in a similar way - you don't get a large wad of emails all at one time.

Trippit - A travel tracking/sharing portal. MOBILE Mobile Apps (for iphone/android/blackberry)

Tumblr - similar to pownce, blogging/micro blogging/updating service.

TweetLater - Changed it's name to 'social oomph' (doh! I can rarely spell this name correctly shoulda' changed it so something easier to remember). It's a twitter tool that works a bit like an autoresponder.

Twitter - A micro blogging website and status updater. Twitter Mobile

Twitterfeed - An RSS to twitter forwarding service.

TypePad - similar to Tumblr/ WordPress - blogging / micro blogging portal

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