Tuesday 26 October 2010

Tip of the day - getting techcrunch with no javascript

I can't read or respond to techcrunch blogs on my current small tablet as it doesn't do flash or javascript being a nokia 770 - so the way I get my fix of techcrunch headlines is go to techcrunch's mobile facebook page instead in this format there are no javascript problems (for the time being) as the wordpress mobile version updated in a similar way twitter did about 6 months back - making the mobile version not work on older tablets.

Atleast on the facebook page I can scan the headlines and try and glean the story from the comments!

The Register - a quick review

 The Register

 Mobile Versions here:

Sometimes called el reg (no idea why) The Register is a UK centric IT/Technology news portal that has a tabloid 'red top' style about it.

A bit cheeky / sarcastic, old skool maybe, but I like it as the stories make perfect sense if you have been on-line for a few years and have seen some of the battles / gossip unfolding between Companies. El Reg like to expose information about Apple, Facebook and other 'trendy' companies when they goof up basic privacy, security, law blunders - the type of thing that would sent your average person to jail but Big Business wriggles out of, by way of la dosh (most probably)

Only observations I've made that I have to report is that they aren't apple 'fanbois' so a different slant to techcrunch who are.   The readership sound like networking professionals - techies/IT sort rather than the hobknobbing/social media variety.

They appear right leaning, but as a left leaner myself they don't come across as too right, so it's not a daily mail experience for the curious leftie looking for some entertaining news.

If you like TechCrunch (as I do) you will probably like The Register too, as they are different in many ways but have a similar sense of humour, ideal for UK people that feel a bit far away from the States to relate to Silicon Valley.

Monday 25 October 2010

A is For Apple

Featured Fav:


AdBrite - An alternative to AdSense for publishers and advertisers (yuwie is/ was a member in this network).

AdEngage - An alternative to AdSense for publishers and advertisers (yuwie is/ was a member in this network).

AdLandPro - An advertising network / community.

AdSense - A google based advertising service that uses a Pay Per Click model.

AddThis - A bookmark sharing service.

AddToAny - A bookmark sharing service.

AideRSS - changed it's name to PostRank I think, several years ago.

AdultFriendFinder - An adult network / community (webmasters link)

Adult Webmaster Empire - Adult affiliate network for webmasters.

Advertising KnowHow - An advertising network run by Robert Puddy. Trafficxchange

Affiliates4U - A UK centric affiliate marketing Forum and hub (strictly no commercial posting / self promotion).

Affiliate Future - A respected UK Affiliate Agency.

Affiliate Funnel - A downline marketing club. Forum

Affiliate Marketing networker - A ning networking club.

AffSphere - Article directory /portal. Blog Reports

All4Webs - Website hosting service that offers free web space with upgrade options - run by the TrafficG people I think.

AllPosters - Website with large collection of Posters, Art, Prints.

All Solutions Network - An e-mall of mixed goods, in basic html.

Amazon - An e-commerce store of mixed goods, home of the kindle e-reader. wishlist Coffee Products UK

Amplify - A wordpress based blogging service and social interaction platform to share and clip information. Get amplify on Android iPhone

Apple - The Company that make ipods, iphones, ipads, itunes and macs.

Apsense - A business social network. Business Profile Business Center Coffee Club

Around - A pre-facebook people finder service.

Art.com - Now a sister company to Allposters I think - art posters/prints etc.

ArticleBase - An article directory, with RSS feed syndication.

As Seen On TV - As seen on TV products.

Aquasana - Water filters and related services.

AudioBoo - A place to record audio on-line and link to it in a widget for a blog or send it to an iphone or android device.

Audio Book World On-line - listen to Audio books -  use code 10percent    to get 10% off any downloadable audiobook title  Entitles the holder to 10% off all orders up to any value.

Aweber - An autoresponder service for the automatic delivery of newsletters, digital goods, courses etc.

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